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In the quest for healthier eating, especially for CrossFit athletes, portion control plays a vital role. But who has the time to measure every meal with scales and measuring cups? Fortunately, you already have a built-in measuring tool: your hand Here’s a simple and effective guide to using your hand to measure food portions, ensuring you maintain a balanced diet that supports your CrossFit nutrition goals without the fuss.

Integrating InBody270 Scan Data

To optimize your nutrition further, consider incorporating data from an InBody270 scan. This scan provides detailed information about your body composition, including muscle mass, body fat percentage, and water levels. By understanding these metrics, you can tailor your portion sizes more accurately to meet your specific nutritional needs and fitness goals.

Why Use Your Hand for CrossFit Nutrition?

Your hand is proportionate to your body size, making it a personalized and convenient measuring tool. It’s always with you, doesn’t require any gadgets, and is easy to remember. For CrossFit athletes, maintaining proper nutrition is crucial for performance and recovery, and using your hand makes portion control straightforward and sustainable.

use this guide to portion your meal with the right amount of protein, vegetables, carbs and fat.

Hand Measurements Explained for CrossFit Nutrition

  1. Protein Portion: Palm Size
    • Use the size and thickness of your palm to measure protein sources like chicken, beef, fish, or tofu.
    • Aim for one palm-sized portion for women and two for men per meal to support muscle repair and growth.
  2. Vegetable Portion: Fist Size
    • A closed fist represents a serving of vegetables.
    • Aim for two fist-sized portions of vegetables with each meal to ensure you get enough vitamins and minerals essential for CrossFit training.
  3. Carbohydrate Portion: Cupped Hand
    • Use your cupped hand to measure carbohydrate sources like rice, pasta, or potatoes.
    • Aim for one cupped-hand portion for women and two for men per meal to fuel your workouts and aid recovery.
  4. Fat Portion: Thumb Size
    • Measure fats such as oils, butter, or nuts with the size of your thumb.
    • Aim for one thumb-sized portion per meal to get healthy fats that support overall health and energy levels.
  5. Snack Portion: Handful
    • Use a handful to measure snacks like nuts, seeds, or berries.
    • A good rule is one handful per snack serving to keep you energized between meals.

Practical Tips for CrossFit Nutrition

  • Be Mindful: While your hand is a great guide, listen to your body’s hunger and fullness cues, especially when adjusting for the intensity of your CrossFit workouts.
  • Combine Measurements: For mixed meals like salads or casseroles, use these hand portions to balance the different components, ensuring you get a mix of proteins, carbs, and fats.
  • Adjust for Activity: If you’re more active, you might need slightly larger portions, while less active days might require smaller portions. Tailor your portions to match your CrossFit training schedule.
how to build a well balanced meal for optimizing crossfit nutrition


Using your hand to measure food portions is a simple yet effective way to manage your diet without the need for precise tools. It helps you eat balanced meals and maintain portion control effortlessly, crucial for optimizing your CrossFit nutrition. Next time you prepare a meal, give your hand a high-five for making healthy eating easier!

What to do now?

Start using your hand to measure your food today and see how this simple technique can transform your eating habits and enhance your CrossFit performance. Share this guide with fellow CrossFitters to help them eat healthier too!

Emily Field, RD: Tracking macros without a scale

Precision Nutrition’s Hand Portion Method

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